
PEO education sessions align with various tracks of PEO expertise to provide tailored sessions and deliver practical information you can use back in the office. There really is something for everyone; here’s what we have planned.  Check back for more updates on sessions and speakers. 
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  • conf2024HR-Legal-Compliance
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    General PEO Operations
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  • conf2024Marketing-Sales
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    Benefits - Stump the Wizards

    Monday, September 16, 2024 - 3:30pm - 4:30pm

    Sheldon Blumling, Esq., Partner, Fisher Phillips

    Michael Hadley, Partner, Davis & Harman LLP
    Seth T. Perretta, Esq., Principal, Groom Law Group

    The highly rated panel is back at it again this year.  Join our wizards to hear about what you need to know in PEO benefits, updates that have happened since last year.  Bring your burning questions and try to stump them, if you do, you win, but in the many years we have had this session, it has never happened!!

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    Compliance - Wage & Hour Update

    Monday, September 16 - 3:30pm - 4:30pm

    Gordon M. Berger, Esq., Partner, Pierson Ferdinand

    Benjamin M. Ebbink, Esq., Partner, Fisher Phillips

    This wage and hour focused session will cover the five big things PEOs can do to reduce wage and hour risk from your PEO’s internal employees and your WSEs.  This session includes the big enchilada of PAGA in California, FLSA overtime rules and much more.

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    General PEO Operations - PEO M&A Activity

    Monday, September 16, 3:30pm - 4:30pm

    Melissa Cizmorris, Esq., Partner, Akerman LLP

    Matthew J. Claus, M&A Group Practice Leader, McHenry Consulting
    Wanda J. Silva, President, Silva Capital Solutions, Inc.

    It feels like almost everyday there is another merger or acquisition in the PEO space, what is going on, how can you prepare as buyer or a seller.  Our expert panelists will give an update on what is going on in the PEO M&A space from all angles and how you can prepare yourself and your PEO.

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    Marketing & Sales - The Role of Marketing in Business Growth

    Monday, September 16, 2024 - 3:30pm - 4:30pm

    Heather Keefer Saulsbury, EVP, PrestigePEO
    Mark Sinatra, CEO Aspen HR

    It's not just an investment, but a strategic move for organizations aiming to reach the next level. Developing and maintaining a strong brand and demand engine is the foundation for everything else to function effectively. 


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    Benefits - Landmines in Payroll

    Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 11:00am - 12:00pm

    Sheldon Blumling, Esq., Partner, Fisher Phillips

    Wendy Katz, CFO, Questco
    Brian M. Nugent, Esq., Partner, Akerman LLP
    Seth T. Perretta, Esq., Principal, Groom Law Group

    Lessons Learned from the ERTC, the New Remote Workforce, and the Initial Years of the IRS CPEO Program.  Managing the complexities of payroll tax compliance has always been a key part of the PEO value proposition.  However, recent developments have pushed PEOs well-beyond the blocking and tackling of quarterly returns, requiring increased knowledge, resources and strategic thinking.  This program will focus on the lessons learned from recent developments and how they are shaping PEO strategies for managing payroll tax compliance. They will also cover how ERTC is causing some disturbances in PEO M&A activities. 

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    Compliance - Technology Liability

    Tuesday, September 17, 11:00am - 12:00pm

    Joseph Lazzarotti, Esq., Principal, Jackson Lewis P.C.
    Usama Kahf, Esq., Partner, Fisher Phillips
    Jenna Marceau, Chief Information Officer, Syndeo Outsourcing LLC
    John M. Polson, Esq., Chairman & Managing Partner, Fisher Phillips

    There is so much to think about when it comes to technology.  Our esteemed panel will talk about all of the liability that falls on your PEO and what you to do.  This will include all technology such as data privacy, AI, biometrics and others – come learn how to keep your PEO compliant!

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    General PEO Operations - Key Findings of NAPEO's New Market Research on Co-Employment

    Tuesday, September 17, 11:00am - 12:00pm

    Nonah Oleson, Povaddo
    William Stewart, Povaddo

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    HR - Vendor Solutions to Build Efficiencies in HR

    Tuesday, September 17, 11:00am - 12:00pm

    Connor Cross, Director of Human Resources & Payroll, Syndeo Outsourcing LLC
    Emily N. Duncan, National Director, Client Administration, Questco

    What are the best practices you can use with your vendor solutions so that you are helping your HR department run better? Come learn to use your vendors better to help you build these efficiencies and ultimately helping your run your HR department better. 

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    Benefits - A PEO Benefits Update

    Tuesday, September 17 - 2:15pm - 3:15pm

    Michael Hadley, Partner, Davis & Harman LLP

    There is so much going on in benefits, it is time for an update! This session will expore how to prepare for Secure 2.0 and auto enrollment, concerns around the pre-tax wellness programs, and more, come learn how to ensure you know what is happening in the world of PEO benefits. 

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    PEOs & The Economy: An Economic Update

    Tuesday, September 17, 2:15pm-3:15pm

    John Slavic, CEO & President, Slavic401k

    This session will examine the key economic trends that affect the PEO industry, John will help give you a better perspective in planning for the future. A particular focus will be on the accelerating nature of technology, the shift in worksite demographics and the PEO model of the future. 

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      Marketing & Sales - AI on the Rise in PEO Sales & Marketing

      Tuesday, September 17, 2:15pm - 3:15pm

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      Technology - AI in PEO – What are the Must Use Tools?

      Tuesday, September 17, 2:15pm - 3:15pm

      Alex Campos, Chief Executive Officer, Vensure Employer Services
      Hamesh Chawla, CEO, Mulberri Inc.

      What are the tools that you need to use?  Our expert panel will discuss what are the must haves in AI and your PEO, what will help you grow and do business more effectively.  

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      General PEO - Operations - NAPEO Financial Ratio & Operating Statistics Survey Results

      Tuesday, September 17, 3:45pm - 4:45pm

      Scott A. Hackworth, CPA, President, Industry Insights, Inc.
      Alex Campbell, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Staff Management, Inc.
      Johnathan Taylor, Vice President & CFO, LandrumHR

      NAPEO’s 2023 Financial Ratio & Operating Statistics Survey is an invaluable benchmarking tool for PEOs. Attendees will gain up-to-date, data-driven insight into the PEO industry and learn the latest operating statistics on benefits, pension plans, sales, client service, HR, payroll, and technology.

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      HR - Using AI to Build Efficiencies in HR

      Tuesday, September 17, 3:45pm - 4:45pm

      Beth Greene, Vice President, BLR

      AI is here and if you are not using to help in your PEO HR operations, you are losing out.  Come find out what AI solutions you need to help run your HR department more efficiently.

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      Technology - Innovations in PEO as a Result of AI

      Tuesday, September 17, 3:45pm - 4:45pm

      Hank Johnson, Director of Risk Management & Compliance, Nextep, Inc.

      Bruce McCreadie, President & CEO, American PEO Insurers
      John Ykema, CEO, ESI (eEmployers Solutions, Inc.)

      Now that AI has been here for a little while, what innovations have come about?  Our panel will talk about these innovations and how they can help you build the operations of your PEO.  They will discuss how to vet your vendors in the AI space as well.

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      Compliance - State & Local Compliance PEO Issues

      Wednesday, September 18, 10:15am  - 11:15am

      Ree Harper, Esq., Partner, Fisher Phillip

      Garrett Kamen, Esq., Partner, Fisher Phillips
      Elisabeth Shaw, Esq., VP - General Counsel, PrestigePEO

      Working in just one state or area is a notion of the past.  With the remote workforce continually on the rise, a small local PEO is now employing workers in many more states.  But what do you need to keep compliant?  Growing as fast as the remote workforce are state and local laws and regulations, our speakers will go over what your PEO needs to do remain in compliance all over the country! 

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      General PEO Operations - NAPEO's Newest White Paper Revealed

      Wednesday, September 18, 10:15am - 11:15am

      Laurie Bassi. CEO, McBassi & Company

      Join the architect of NAPEO's successful industry research program as she unveils our latest white paper.  She will go over the results in deeper depth with the audience.

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      Marketing & Sales - Lead Generation in PEO Sales

      Wednesday, September 18 - 10:15am - 11:15am
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      General PEO Operations
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    PEO University    

    If you’re new to the industry or looking for refresher course on key issues, be sure to add PEO University to your conference registration! This half-day session takes place on Monday before the conference officially opens.

    Leading industry experts will explore the main pillars of the PEO model and walk you through unique PEO issues and practices. You’ll learn a better understanding of the co-employment model and become aware of pitfalls that might cause issues for your business. Lunch is provided. A separate registration and fee are required to attend.