NAPEO's Political Action Committee (NAPEO PAC) is part of a comprehensive government affairs program that includes lobbying, grassroots education programs, relationship building, communications, and financial support for those federal candidates who are strong supporters of the PEO industry.
The mission of NAPEO PAC is to:
- Promote candidates for federal office who support the PEO industry;
- Build relationships between NAPEO members and candidates who support the PEO industry; and,
- Promote and protect the interests of the PEO industry.
All the funds donated to NAPEO PAC come from NAPEO members and associate members. If you want to get involved with NAPEO PAC, federal law requires that your company sign a PAC solicitation approval form. Signing this form gives NAPEO PAC permission to solicit the top executives in your company for PAC contributions and to communicate with these individuals about the PAC. It is important to know that signing the solicitation approval form does not commit you or your employees to contribute to NAPEO PAC. For more information contact Thom Stohler, treasurer, NAPEO PAC, 703-739-8167.