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March 20, 2025

  • MA — Our legislation codifying the existing practice of PEO-sponsored health plans was referred to the Labor and Workforce Development Committee. 

  • MT — We testified before the Senate Business, Labor and Economic Affairs Committee in support of the bill that removes the “good moral character,” fingerprint and background check requirements for PEO registrations and renewals. Following our testimony, the bill passed the committee and now awaits consideration on the Senate floor.   

  • NJ — We secured Deputy Majority Leader and Labor Committee Chair Assemblyman Anthony Verrelli (D) as a sponsor for our bill clarifying that the client, not the PEO, is liable for the immediate and simultaneous notification requirement to the Department of Labor and Workforce Development when an employee is separated from their employer. The Assembly bill is expected to be introduced this week. 

  • NM – With the legislative session ending tomorrow and lawmakers prioritizing other issues, the state’s paid family and medical leave bill will not receive further consideration this year and will fail to pass the Senate. 

  • PA — We met last week with coalition members as we continue our efforts to pass a state paid family and medical leave program.  We emphasized the importance of including clarification of program eligibility at the client — not the PEO — level.  

  • TX – The deregulation bill filed by Rep. Brian Harrison (R) that would repeal various licensing and enforcement provisions will not see a committee hearing and will not move forward this session.