Women in NAPEO is an initiative designed to provide education and networking focused on women in the PEO industry. The focus of Women in NAPEO (WIN) is to:
• Empower women within NAPEO’s membership both professionally and personally.
• Engage as a community to share experiences, insights, best practices, and career advice.
• Encourage women in our industry to be future leaders of NAPEO.
The best part of WIN is that you don't have to be a woman to participate. We encourage all NAPEO members, regardless of gender, to get involved in WIN.
Stay tuned to hear about our next WIN-sponsored webinar!
In the meantime, check out our most recent webinars, sponsored by Women in NAPEO:
- Advocacy & Lobbying: Why It's Important for Your PEO | August 29th, 2024. Watch here!
- Fueling Fear(Less) Leadership | March 21st, 2024. See the recording here!
- How to WINvest: Become More Confident Today in Investing Your Money | December 13th, 2023. Check it out here!
- Join our WIN Committee! We’re forming working groups for each of the upcoming WIN events and need your input and assistance in developing the programs and conducting the events! To join the WIN committee, please email WIN@napeo.org.
- Make New Contacts through NAPEO Connect – We’d like to help you forge connections with others in the PEO industry to help deepen your experience in NAPEO. Sign up and you’ll be paired with a fellow member with whom you can connect for casual conversation and fellowship – it’s a low-stress, simple way to meet someone new in the industry, and help build your network!
- Join the Women In NAPEO (WIN) LinkedIn Group!
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“I always look forward to NAPEO’s WIN events. They are timely, relevant, and interesting. I come away having learned something I can apply in my work, and I get to meet and interact with such amazing colleagues!”
Kelley M. Zanfardino, Sr. HR Compliance Analyst, Insperity, Inc.
“I felt like I was a part of something big. All those women coming together to learn from each other and empower one another. Women inspiring other women was such a WIN!”
Stephanie Dillon, HR Professional, Employer Advantage
“I find this so refreshing and powerful for all women, but especially those in the PEO space.”
Mallory Glessner, Director of Continuous Improvement, Questco
“I’ve personally only recently gotten involved with NAPEO, but the guidance during the pandemic and general support of women in the industry has been a lifeline. I felt much more prepared to tackle the biggest professional hurdles thanks to NAPEO.”
Michelle Klenotich, Director of Payroll, MidwestHR, LLC
For more information, please contact
Andrea Desmond or email
WIN@napeo.org. For sponsorship opportunities, please contact
Nancy Benoudiz at (703) 739-8169.
Thank you to our 2025 Women in NAPEO sponsor!