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NAPEO’s White Paper series aims to help the general public and small business owners better understand the economic impact and value of the PEO industry and the ways working with a PEO can help businesses grow and thrive.

Our white papers have shown that:

  • Businesses in a PEO arrangement grow 7-9 percent faster, have 10-14 percent lower turnover, and are 50 percent less likely to go out of business.

  • PEOs are able to offer a broad array of HR services at a lower cost, and offer access to retirement plans to small business that may not otherwise sponsor them.

  • PEOs provide services to 200,000 small and mid-sized businesses, employing 4.5 million people.

  • There are 508 PEOs in the United States.

  • The total employment represented by the PEO industry is roughly the same as the combined number of employees for the four largest employers in the U.S. 

  • The PEO industry’s 200,000 clients represent 17 percent of all employers with 10 to 99 employees.

  • The ROI of using a PEO (in cost savings alone) is 27.3 percent.

View the full list of NAPEO White Papers by clicking on the white arrow in the blue box at the top of this page.

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